COVID-19 is putting a hold on many normal activities at the moment, and many NSW strata residents might be wondering whether strata repairs, cleaning and maintenance can still be carried out for common property. The good news is that with strict safety guidelines in place, essential maintenance can and should be carried out with safety considerations for everyone concerned.
Information for residents, owners and owners corporations
If you spot repairs or maintenance issues on common property, you can log a maintenance job as you normally would. We will inform tradespeople about maintaining social distancing and hygienic practices as they carry out their work on the strata property. Please keep in mind that tradespeople must be provided with at least 1.5 metres of social distancing space while they are on site.
If you or anyone you know in your building:
- Has returned from overseas within the last 2 weeks; or
- Has been in contact with a person with confirmed COVID-19; or
- as any signs of having the COVID-19 virus, including a cough or fever;
Then it’s vital that you notify your strata manager via phone or email instead.
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Information for trades
We are unable to confirm if any person residing within the lot is currently unwell, has been travelling, or is self-isolating – although we will of course notify you if we are made aware. You deserve a safe work environment and we recommend that when calling to schedule an appointment, you confirm with your site contact that:
- No one in the building is currently showing, or has recently shown, signs of having the COVID-19 virus; and
- No one currently staying within the area you will access has been and/or returned from overseas within the last 2 weeks; and
- You or your employees on site will be left to work on their own with at least 1.5 metres of spacing between them and anyone on site.
There are also a number of strict rules to ensure your safety and the safety of others while you are attending to strata repairs and maintenance:
- Do not attend the property if you have travelled overseas in the last 14 days, are unwell, or have been in contact with a person with confirmed COVID-19;
- Ensure you practice good hygiene including washing hands before and after a job, and wiping down any surfaces you might come into contact with (particularly light switches, door knobs, railings or other high touch areas); and
- We recommend you wear gloves and an anti-viral face mask at all times while on site if possible; and
- Ensure you practice social distancing even while attending a job – that is, stay at least 1.5 metres away from other people.
We appreciate cooperation from residents, trades, strata property maintenance services and owners corporations at this time in keeping up building maintenance as per the Strata Schemes Management Regulation 2016. The team at Jamesons Strata Management will keep you updated with any changes to services as the COVID-19 situation evolves.