It’s interesting to read that according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2.16 million renting families are pet owners.
These significant numbers are likely to have something to do with the proposed changes to the strata schemes legislation that is suggesting pets will be allowed into strata buildings without the direct approval of owners corporations.
What is an owners corporation to do with all these new pets?
Pets are definitely a hot topic in the world of strata and one that causes significant debate amongst all residents. Given this, owners corporations need to consider carefully what they want their policy to be regarding pets, and if the answer is a definitive no, then a special By-Law may need to be drafted banning pets all together.
If the answer is a yes (or maybe), then there are a number of steps that an owners corporation can take to protect themselves from dogs and cats doing their ‘business’ in the lift or foyer or damaging common property.
We have created a pet application form that provides strict guidelines for residents when bringing a pet into a building. If the rules are broken then the resident is forced to remove the pet.
It is a topic that we would encourage owners to start giving some thought to over the next 12 months as the legislative changes begin to gather momentum.
To read more about this topic you can click on this link for an article recently found on