One of the key questions we’ve been fielding about COVID-19 and strata properties in Sydney is what to do if a resident, or multiple residents, has tested positive to the virus. Naturally, it will be important to take the right steps to protect everyone involved, from the resident themselves, to neighbours and the surrounding community.
What should strata committees do in the case of a positive COVID-19 test in the building or property?
The first step is to notify your strata committee and your strata manager, if your strata scheme has someone providing strata management services.
If Jamesons Strata Management is your strata manager, then our first step of action is to send a formal letter out to all owners and residents to notify them there’s a positive case on the property. We also recommend to the strata committee that we issue a work order for the property to undergo cleaning and disinfecting of your facility by professional cleaners, with particular focus on high-contact surfaces such as door handles, elevator buttons light switches and hand rails. We also arrange for notifications to be posted in common areas to notify residents of the positive case, and notify any contractors who service the property.
Of course – the resident who has tested positive is entitled to their privacy, so all notifications and notices are anonymous.
Responsive Strata Management Services for Hassle-Free Living!
What should I do if I think I might have COVID-19?
Firstly, if you are displaying any symptoms such as a dry cough, fever, sore throat or shortness of breath it’s important that you immediately self-isolate and arrange for testing, according to the latest advice from the Department of Health.
If you do receive a positive test you will need to isolate until your public health authority advises you that you can leave. We ask that you get in touch with your strata committee member or strata manager via phone or email in this case. Your information will of course be kept confidential.
What should I do if there is a positive case in the building?
There are things we can all do to minimise the risk of COVID-19 spreading. This includes practising physical distancing, washing your hands regularly for 20 seconds with soap, following your local and state-based advice and using hand sanitiser of over 70% alcohol if you’re unable to wash your hands – particularly after touching shared surfaces such as door handles and elevator buttons.
To stay up-to-date on apartment living and resources during this time, you can refer to our COVID-19 page or contact your strata manager via phone or email. By working together, we can all minimise the risk and help to protect the health and wellbeing of everyone in the community.