By-laws Explained

How can I obtain a copy of the By-laws for my building?

  • You can obtain a copy from the ‘Building Page’ online in My Portal.

What are By-laws?

  • By-laws are a set of rules adopted by the owners in a building that are enforceable through the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal.
  • The By-laws cover the behaviour of residents and the use of the common property. Some common By-laws cover issues including noise levels, pet policies, washing on balconies, visitor parking, renovations and smoking just to name a few.

How are By-laws determined

  • The original By-laws are registered with the Land Titles Office at the time that the Strata Plan is registered.
  • The By-laws can subsequently be amended, repealed, or added to by owners. These changes are agreed by way of a Special Resolution at a General Meeting of all owners.
  • Note: A Special Resolution requires that not more than 25% of owners entitled to vote at the meeting vote against the motion.

What can I do if owners or tenants are ignoring the By-laws?

  • If you feel that the By-laws for the building are not being adhered to, you can contact us as your managing agent. We will work with the strata committee to determine the appropriate course of action depending on the circumstances.
  • This may involve a letter in the first instance and can ultimately result in an application to the NSW Civil & Administrative Tribual for an order to be made and / or a fine be imposed.