Mixed Use Strata Case Studies

Mortdale  |   55 Lots   |   Managed Since 2020

Important Features: The building is new and within the building defect bonds scheme and defect limitation warranty period. It comes with a lift, two basement levels, and common property rooftop space.
When we took over the scheme they were at a standstill with their building defects bond scheme. We have worked with the committee and the defect bonds scheme to progress this matter and are currently progressing through the process and awaiting a costs report from SDDIS for the final defect works to be completed.
We have also assisted the OC with the complex commercial renovation work application by BUPA Dental.
We are now working on budgeting for the scheme and providing accurate budget figures to ensure that all services are accounted for an upcoming building expenditure for the capital works fund is budgeted correctly to ensure funding is received.