Owners Corporation Committee

Useful tips, guides and articles for committee members assisting with the management of the building.

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Strata Management Statements and Building Management Statements: What’s the Difference?

Mixed use developments, such as those mixing retail and residential, are popular throughout NSW. But some of the terms when buying or investing in a...

When Do Strata Schemes in NSW Undergo Financial Auditing?

The majority of strata schemes in NSW will have their finances audited by an independent auditor. This process can help to ensure the strata scheme...

Outlining the Latest Legislation Updates for NSW Strata Schemes

It’s important to stay up-to-date with the latest NSW strata community management legislation, as this can affect everything from day-to-day strata...

What’s the Link Between Strata Special Levies and the Sinking Fund?

Sinking fund, special levies, capital works fund and the administrative fund – it can feel like there are so many names and payment types to get...

How Good Management Minimises Unexpected Repairs & Special Strata Levies

Effective management is the cornerstone of a successful strata scheme. This is because by its very nature, strata living is all about using shared...

What Should We Do if a Strata Resident Tests Positive to COVID-19?

One of the key questions we’ve been fielding about COVID-19 and strata properties in Sydney is what to do if a resident, or multiple residents, has...

Who’s Responsible to Fix Unauthorised Works in a Strata Property?

Your owners corporation is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of all common property within your strata scheme; this can include everything...

The Steps for Strata Dispute Resolution in NSW

Strata schemes are structured carefully to ensure an enjoyable lifestyle within the strata community, but what happens when two or more parties...

How is a 2 Unit Strata Scheme Managed?

A lot of the information we share about strata management is focused on medium or large strata schemes, but what about a duplex or 2...

Coronavirus Questions: How Can By-Laws Affect the Way We Handle COVID-19?

Since COVID-19 spread across the world, there’s been one word used often to sum up the situation: unprecedented. It’s therefore not surprising...

What if an Owners Corporation Can’t Meet its Obligations During Coronavirus?

COVID-19 has thrown up some unique situations, and with many people out of a job or underemployed there may well be strata owners corporations that...

Pools, Gyms and Facilities: Should Common Property be Closed for Coronavirus?

Your strata scheme in NSW may be lucky enough to have a shared pool, gym, tennis courts, office spaces, meeting rooms or other facilities. You might...

Coronavirus Questions: Can an Owner’s Corporation Reduce Maintenance or Cleaning to Reduce Costs?

As we know, COVID-19 has been placing financial pressure on many property residents, owners and tenants. We’re aware that many owners corporations...

Asbestos – How To Test And Manage It In Your Strata Property

Nowadays, when we hear ‘asbestos’, we immediately think of the risk it poses to human health. Up until the 1980s, however, asbestos was...

Dealing With Graffiti On Your Property

It’s one of the most annoying things about living in a vibrant, lively city like Sydney: graffiti. Essentially, graffiti refers to drawings or...

Property Building Defects – Who’s Responsible For What?

Last year’s Christmas Eve unfortunately wasn’t a time of giddy anticipation for the residents of Sydney’s Opal Tower. After hearing loud bangs,...

Understanding Concrete Cancer And Your Options

All types of walls can have cracks in them and, often, they are a mere aesthetic problem rather than a danger to the structural integrity of a...

Cladding – What Is It And What Are The Regulations Behind It?

In June 2017, a fridge caught on fire in the Grenfell Tower, a 24-storey residential tower block in London, England. Though firefighters were soon on...

How Often Should Fire Safety Inspections Be Held In Your Strata Property?

Fire safety is a crucial part of protecting people, property and the environment from severe harm or damage. There are many regulations that need to...

Three Benefits of Being A Member Of The Strata Committee

Also known as an body corporate executive committee, a strata committee is responsible for the daily operation of your strata scheme. In New South...

Can an Owners Corporation be Sued?

One of the great advantages of being an owner in a strata scheme is the fact that owners aren’t personally responsible for what happens in common...

Differences for Small and Large Strata Schemes in NSW

Strata schemes can come in all shapes and sizes; they may include as few as two lots, or as many as several hundred. While many aspects of managing...

What’s Required for a Quorum at a Strata Meeting?

In New South Wales, all meetings are required to have a quorum present. Whether the meeting is for an Annual General Meeting (AGM), Strata Committee...

What Type of Records Must An Owners Corporation Keep?

In New South Wales, the owners corporation is comprised of all the owners within the strata scheme, and is responsible for a number of matters...

How Do I Join My Strata Committee?

It’s a great thing if you’re keen to get involved in the running of your strata scheme. As part of the owners corporation committee, you are...

The Future of Strata and High Density Living in Sydney

It’s estimated that by 2040, the number of Sydney residents living in strata will have doubled from today’s figure of 25% to around 50% of the...

Why the New Strata Laws Are Good News for Wollongong

Wollongong has to be one of Australia’s best locations for strata living – after all, its great weather, café scene and expanses of beach lend...

What Can Be Done To Retrieve Unpaid Strata Levies?

In our video series Michael Vumbaca, General Manager at Jamesons Strata discusses what can be done to retrieve unpaid strata levies. Levy...

What Changes Have Been Made To The Strata By Laws?

In our video series Michael Vumbaca, General Manager at Jamesons Strata discusses the changes that have been made to the strata by-laws. Each...

How has the Role of Tenants Evolved?

In our video series Michael Vumbaca, General Manager at Jamesons Strata discusses how the role of tenants has evolved. The new legislation has...

How do the New Laws Address Development Defects?

In our video series Michael Vumbaca, General Manager at Jamesons Strata discusses the how the new laws address development defects. ...

What’s Different About The New Strata Committee?

In our video series Michael Vumbaca, General Manager at Jamesons Strata discusses the changes that have been made to the new strata...

How the NSW Law Reforms Will Benefit New Strata Schemes

Many of the new NSW strata reforms introduced on 30 November 2016 are optional for existing strata schemes, but there are more considerations in...

Stamping out Conflict of Interest Within a Strata Scheme

Unfortunately, there are occasionally cases of people and groups looking after their own interests rather than working within the fair and democratic...

Concerned About the New 75% Rule for Ending NSW Stratas?

The new NSW strata law reforms on 30 November 2016 have brought in over 90 changes to the existing laws. Perhaps the most controversial of the NSW...

The New NSW Strata Laws Take Effect 30 November

The new NSW strata law reforms are much anticipated and will be crucial in developing fairer, more community-minded strata buildings and titles in...

Acoustics and Strata Buildings

By Serafina Froio – Strata Project Management The acoustic performance of a strata building is important and can be easily eroded though...

Strata Plumbing: Who Is Responsible?

While administration of strata units is generally covered by the owners’ corporation, things can get tricky when breakdowns and accidents occur....

Hefty Fines on the Cards for Rogue Apartment Parkers

There are few issues more contentious for unit and apartment dwellers in NSW than parking, but help is on the way in the form of tighter parking...

Body Corporate Bankruptcy: What are the risks?

Investors or those buying into a strata complex often worry about the financial health of their body corporate or owners’ corporation. After all,...

New Strata Laws: 75% of Owners May Collapse a Strata

Two long-anticipated strata reform bills have just been introduced to NSW Parliament, aiming to improve strata living and reduce red tape for strata...

How to Avoid the Reno Rumble

This article was contributed by Serafina Froio from Strata Project Management Not the Channel Nine television show. This article is about how to...

Keeping Up with the Proposed New Strata Laws in NSW

The NSW Government is in the process of finalising new strata laws, with the overall aim of creating a more modern framework for people living in...

Improving the Value of Your Strata Property

Nothing lasts forever, and nothing stays unspoiled for years. Even a strata property will deteriorate over time and if the necessary measures are not...

Dealing with Noise: Customising By-laws in the Strata

Noise is an inevitable part of everyone’s life. It is a nuisance that everyone faces throughout their day and is found everywhere – in the...

Is the time up for TPG in the Strata Sector?

Our General Manager Michael Vumbaca was quoted in the Financial Review recently after being asked to provide an opinion on behalf of the Strata...

The strata dispute resolution process explained…

How are most strata disputes resolved?What is the difference between strata mediation and strata adjudication?How long does the process take? How...

Exclusive Use & Special Privilege By-Laws. What is the difference?

An Owners Corporation may, by special resolution, grant an Exclusive Use or Special Privilege By-Law. An Exclusive Use By-Law gives the lot the right...

When would a Ballot Vote be called and how is it conducted?

This method of voting is used when the number nominated for the Executive Committee exceeds the number determined at an AGM. The vote is normally...

Since COVID-19 spread across the world, there’s been one word used often to sum up the situation: unprecedented. It’s therefore not surprising that typical

Talk to Jamesons about your needs today

Changing strata managers doesn’t have to be difficult. Get in touch with our team today and learn how our
strata management services could improve the value and enjoyment of your jointly-owned property.

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